FileBack PC 4.1
Fast & Flexible Backup Software for Microsoft Windows
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FileBack PC Knowledge Base

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FAQ-Security: Why is my configuration file encrypted?

3034 (50%)

Behavior: Backups to or from a single type of media (floppy, CD-ROM, network, removable) drives are not being run

3033 (55%)

FAQ-Security: I understand that FileBack PC has the ability to connect to the Internet to check for product updates and announcements. What information is it sending to Maximum Output Software?

3013 (50%)

Behavior: No automatic backups (timed or auto-backup on change) are working

3004 (50%)

FAQ-Security: What method is used to 'securely delete' files?

2953 (50%)

Behavior: Scheduled events are not being run

2843 (36%)

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