Access is Denied error message |
The "Access is Denied" error is an error indicating that FileBack PC or the
user account under which it is running does not have sufficient permissions to
access a file, a portion of the registry, or to perform a command on your
Under the default installation FileBack PC attempts to add itself to a user
group called Backup Operators, which on a normal Windows installation has access
to all files on the computer (so backups can include all files). However,
if the permissions of files on a computer have been altered in such a way that
this backup group is excluded, or if FileBack PC is denied entry into the group,
it might be denied access to files you intend to backup.
If the Backup Operators group membership is getting in the way of backups
working properly, open FileBack PC's preferences (File / Preferences), go
to the Advanced tab, and turn off the "Run FileBack PC with 'Backup Operators'
security privileges."
For non-backup operations (general housekeeping operations) you could
potentially get an "Access is Denied" error if FileBack PC is running under an
account that does not have Write and Delete permissions for the C:\Program
Files\FileBack PC folder or the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Maximum Output
Software\FileBack PC registry keys. If this is the case, have the system
administrator grant these rights to this folder and registry key.
| Keywords: access is denied,permissions; Applies to: FileBack PC 4.x | Was this article helpful? Yes No