FileBack PC 4.1
Fast & Flexible Backup Software for Microsoft Windows
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Files and File Types Used by FileBack PC

Files Used By FileBack PC



File Description

Importance *

FileBack.exe {FB$FBPROGDIR} FileBack PC program file 6
FileBack.FBCfg {FB$FBPROGDIR} Configuration file, including backup jobs, backup groups, events, and configuration preferences. 4
FileBack.FBBkCfg {FB$FBPROGDIR} Backup configuration file, created each time a configuration is overwritten 1
UpdateSource.dat {FB$FBPROGDIR} Automatic Product Update configuration 3
FileBackYYYYMMDD.log {FB$FBPROGDIR}logs Log entries created on a specific date (DD-MMM-YYYY) 1
FBApps.dat {FB$FBPROGDIR} Automatic backup job configuration database 2
FBSupport.dat {FB$FBPROGDIR} Technical support contact information 2
InetInfo.dat {FB$FBPROGDIR} Secondary configuration and registration information 6
Installations.dat {FB$FBPROGDIR} Listing of other known FileBack PC installations 2
Cleanup.log {FB$FBPROGDIR} Log of the last cleanup operation 1
KeyWatch.dll {FB$FBPROGDIR} Keyboard activity monitor, for determining computer activity/idle state 2
BlindDB.txt {FB$FBPROGDIR}Database\(JobID) "Blind Copy Mode" backup job option database 5
CRCDB.txt {FB$FBPROGDIR}Database\(JobID) "Examine File Contents" backup job option database 5
FileList.txt {FB$FBPROGDIR}Database\(JobID) "Delete files xxx days after being deleted from source" / "Keep a Backup Database" option database 5
DelList.txt {FB$FBPROGDIR}Database\(JobID) Archive database; used for file archive feature 5
Importance: (1) File may be safely deleted, (2) File may be safely deleted, but doing so will disable some FileBack PC features, (3) File may be deleted, but the next time related features in FileBack PC are used some reconfiguration will be required, (4) File may be deleted, but will require significant reconfiguration afterward, (5) If file is deleted unexpected behavior may occur, (6) Required for operation; if deleted FileBack PC will not run.

File Types Used by FileBack PC

File Type

File Description

.FBCfg FileBack Configuration file.  Includes backup jobs, backup groups, preferences & other options
.FBBkCfg FileBack Backup Configuration file.  Same as .FBCfg, except these backups are made automatically whenever a .FBCfg configuration file is overwritten.
.FBBackup Extension indicating that a file is an older version created by FileBack PC.  This extension can be removed to open the file as usual.
.FBCB FileBack Compressed Backup.  Used for compressed and encrypted backup files.  Double-click a file in Explorer to open or extract it in FileBack PC.
.log FileBack PC log file.  The file is formatted in ASCII, making it readable in applications such as Notepad, Wordpad, or word processors, though some formatting characters will be visible.
.FBBJ FileBack Backup Job file.  Contains one or more backup jobs.  These files are created when Exporting backup jobs, and are also used to house common backup jobs shared by multiple configuration files.
.FBBT FileBack Backup Template file.  The file format is the same as .FBBJ, the difference being that any variables in .FBBT files are expanded when the jobs are imported, whereas with .FBBJ variables are left alone.
.FBAL FileBack Backup Action List.  A list of actions to be performed, usually associated with triggered events.
.FBEncKey FileBack Encryption Key.  Contains keys used in encrypted backups.  If you need to allow another user to restore encrypted .FBCB files, the corresponding .FBEncKey will need to be imported into FileBack PC.


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